SBS Bank is a New Zealand registered bank which was founded in 1869. In October 2008 it gained bank registration and the Southland Building Society became SBS Bank. It is a 100% New Zealand owned registered bank that has retained a mutual building society structure.
“Our purpose is Helping Kiwis find a place to call home. As a member-owned New Zealand bank, we’re very much in the heart of our communities.”
Woke Rating
We rate SBS Bank as not woke.

Woke Summary
- Virtue Signalling – no virtue signalling.
- Gender Ideology & LGBTQ – no evidence of gender ideology & LGBTQI+ policies.
- Diversity Equity Inclusion (DEI) – some evidence of DEI.
- Critical Race Theory – no evidence of CRT
- Climate Change – is developing net-zero emissions, aligned with the Paris Agreement.
Woke Policies
Wokeness and virtue signalling distracts a company from its core business, which is to make a profit for shareholders while delivering excellent, affordable products and services to its customers. Businesses should not be distracted from this core purpose, otherwise there will be unnecessary costs which are ultimately passed onto consumers. Woke ideologies are typically unfriendly towards the traditional family unit.
There is little evidence of woke policies from SBS Bank.
Virtue Signalling
Failed to find any evidence of virtue signalling by SBS Bank.
Gender Ideology & LGBTQ+
No evidence of gender ideology & LGBTQI+ policies by SBS Bank..
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI)
SBS has a Diversity & Inclusion Strategy.
“Our Diversity and Inclusion Committee includes representatives from around the organisation who bring different perspectives to the discussion table. The Committee has succeeded in widening and deepening our understanding of key issues, prejudices, cultural differences and the other challenges that many of us face in different ways.”
“Our Diversity and Inclusion Strategy has been in place for three years, and in 2023 we will be working on revising and updating our Strategy to ensure our key and minor focuses reflect the needs of our team members, the community, and our organisation.”
“50% of our leadership positions are held by women within our organisation (an increase of 6% from the previous report). This helps bring a different perspective to our workforce and is an area in which we are continually focusing, not just through gender diversity, but across all areas such as age, ethnic background and perspective.”
Source: SBS Sustainability Report 2023
Climate Change
SBS is developing net-zero emissions, aligned with the Paris Agreement.
“SBS is committed to understanding the impacts of Climate Change on our operations and Members, measuring and disclosing our emissions, and developing a science-based pathway to net-zero emissions, aligned with the Paris Agreement commitment to limiting global warming to 1.5°C.”
Source: SBS Sustainability Report 2023
Positive Policies & Activities
Parental Leave – SBS offers paid parental and partner leave, along with a lump sum paid to employees’ KiwiSaver on return from parental leave.
Bereavement & Volunteers Leave – SBS offers paid time off to volunteer as well as five days per bereavement for a wide range of family members.
SBS also supports numerous worthy charities, not-for-profit organisations, and local community groups:
“At SBS we are extremely proud to support a wide range of groups and clubs in our local communities. As a member-owned bank we wear our hearts on our sleeves and we want to ensure we’re doing the right thing for our community every single day, and that’s a great feeling. From arts and culture, to sports and recreation, and community organisations, we love to support Kiwis doing amazing things in our own backyard.”
“SBS Bank sponsors a wide range of local groups and clubs. These include Southland Sharks, Highlanders (rugby union), Stadium Southland, Invercargill Golf Club, Academy Southland, Southland Stags, Ronald McDonald House South Island and Invercargill Musical Theatre.”
Ronald McDonald House South Island – SBS Bank supports this excellent cause by funding a room in Christchurch as well as a room and a car in Invercargill.
Note – This page was updated as of 20th May 2024. Please contact us if you’ve discovered other relevant information about SBS Bank or other businesses pushing woke agendas. You should also contact us if you discover some positively woke-free businesses.