Our Values
What we stand for
We want consumers to vote with their dollars, doing business with companies which value their values. Most people want to purchase products and services, then get on with their lives. They don’t want businesses shoving woke beliefs down their throats. We believe that businesses should stay out of politics and social agendas.
We are pro-family and pro-life. We believe that strong families and strong marriages are the foundation for a strong nation. Below are some of our core values explained… ⤵️

Pro Life
We are pro-life and, therefore, anti-abortion, believing that life begins at conception. Our mothers should be supported, and our children protected. We believe every human being, even the child in the womb, has the right to life and should be legally protected. A 2019 Curia Market Research poll found strong support in NZ for the unborn child having human rights and being legally protected. Sadly, many woke companies donate to organisations that advocate for abortion. Human life should be valued and respected from conception right up to natural death. Therefore, the recent legalisation of euthanasia is also a threat to some of our most vulnerable and those who feel themselves to be a burden on society.

Pro Marriage & Family
We believe that strong families underpin a strong nation and that conventional marriage – between a man and woman – is the foundation for a strong family. From emotional well-being to building strong families, fostering economic stability, and promoting social cohesion, the institution of marriage plays an indispensable role in the fabric of society. There is simply no need to re-invent marriage and families in New Zealand. We advocate for families and support the institution of marriage.

“Woman” - adult human female
A ‘woman’ has always been and always will be our beloved mothers, grandmothers, wives, daughters, sisters, and aunts. But the factual meaning of ‘woman’ is being destroyed, replaced with the concept that anyone can become a woman simply by self-identifying as one. This is untruthful and harmful. We must push back by safeguarding the term ‘woman’ and establishing the biologically correct definition of ‘woman’—an adult human female—in our laws, public policies, and regulations.

School Education without Ideologies
There can be no more important issue than what is being taught to our children at schools. We recognise the importance of good education policy and how vital it is for our country's future. As our numeracy and literacy standards decline, we’re deeply concerned with increased teaching of highly controversial topics and ideologies such as gender theory, climate alarmism and Critical Race Theory. Many parents are simply unaware of what their children are being taught. This should be concerning to all parents and caregivers.

Free Speech and Freedom of Religious Expression
Fundamental freedoms are a cornerstone of Western democracies. Freedom comes in many forms - freedom of speech, freedom of religion, political and civil liberties, and parental freedom to do what’s best for their family. We must all work tirelessly to protect these fundamental freedoms in our society. We must oppose ever-increasing government intrusions into family life and church, including overreaching ‘hate speech’ laws.

Every person deserves equal rights under the law. Equal rights ensure that every person, regardless of their gender, race, religion, socioeconomic status, or other characteristics, has the opportunity to participate fully in social, political, and economic life. This not only benefits marginalised communities but also strengthens society as a whole. It empowers individuals to realise their potential and contribute meaningfully to society. It’s worth noting however that equality of opportunities is very different to equity of outcomes. The latter is a flawed marxist ideology that attempts to force the same outcomes for all, regardless of merit. This flawed ideology underpins DEI (Diversity Equity Inclusion) policies which are embedded in most government agencies and large corporations.

Environmental Stewardship & Efficiency
Stewardship is the responsible management of something entrusted to us. We are responsible for caring for and protecting the environment for future generations. So we support being good stewards of our natural environment. We oppose unnecessary waste and pollution. However, many companies support extreme environmental groups that advocate for extreme environmental policies and over-regulation that stifles innovation and growth. We're also unsure that regulations handed down by global organisations and worldwide agreements are in the best interests of New Zealand.
What we are, and what we are not ...
Due to our Judeo-Christian beliefs, we believe all humans are created equal, regardless of race, sex, religion, or social status. Just because we oppose radical sexuality and gender ideology being pushed onto others (especially school children), we believe everyone is entitled to the same human rights. We are pro-life and anti-abortion, and believe the mother and unborn child should both be loved, supported and protected. We oppose Critical Race Theory, but we also oppose racism, believing all humans are created equal and deserving of the same human rights. We are responsible for caring for and protecting the environment for future generations, so we support being good stewards of our natural environment, but we oppose catastrophising climate change which is generating great fear, pessimism, and “climate anxiety” (especially in children). We oppose efforts to curb free speech and religious expression in New Zealand. We are against woke agendas that create exclusion and division instead of inclusion and unity.