Here are some of the least woke businesses currently listed on this website (we will be adding more businesses over time). You can decide for yourselves who to do business with and who to avoid. This list gives you some woke-free (and woke-lite) options:
- Briscoe Group – Briscoes Homeware and Rebel Sport
- Farmers
- Gull
- Hallensteins & Glassons
- Harvey Norman
- Just Jeans
- Mitre 10
- Mobil Oil
- Pascoes the Jewellers
- Restaurant Brands NZ – KFC, Pizza Hut and Carl’s Jr.
- Stirling Sports
- SBS Bank
- TSB Bank
- Walker & Hall
- Whitcoulls
(note – this is not the entirety of woke-lite businesses in New Zealand, but simply the least woke businesses currently reviewed on this website.)
If you compare the listed companies with their competitors, then you have some options for woke-free shopping e.g.
- Farmers and Briscoes instead of The Warehouse and Kmart
- Mitre 10 instead of Bunnings
- Hallensteins, Glassons, Just Jeans instead of Cotton On
- TSB and SBS instead of BNZ, ASB, ANZ, Westpac, Kiwibank
- Gull and Mobil instead of Z
- Whitcoulls instead of Paper Plus
- Pascoes and Walker & Hall instead of Michael Hill
- etc.