Consumer NZ takes Z Energy to High Court

Z Energy has been caught out, indulging in virtue signalling and making misleading claims regarding its emissions reductions.

Consumer NZ is taking legal action against Z Energy, on the grounds that the company has breached the Fair Trading Act with misleading public messaging.

Consumer NZ chief executive Jon Duffy said he is “seriously concerned” Z Energy has made several public claims which “create the impression it is making bold changes to significantly reduce its emissions and is urgently mitigating its contribution to the climate crisis”. But he said that is not the case at all.

Read the full story, as reported on NewsHub:

Consumer New Zealand and multiple climate action groups are seeking a declaration from the High Court Z Energy has misled New Zealanders with its public messaging about climate change.

Consumer NZ, the Environmental Law Initiative (ELI) and Lawyers for Climate Action New Zealand Inc (LCANZI) are accusing the petrol giant of breaching the Fair Trading Act.

“Regardless of people’s stance on climate issues, all New Zealanders want to know they can trust what they’re told by big businesses,” said Consumer NZ chief executive Jon Duffy.

Duffy said he is “seriously concerned” Z Energy has made several public claims which “create the impression it is making bold changes to significantly reduce its emissions and is urgently mitigating its contribution to the climate crisis”. But he said that is not the case at all.

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