Woke Agendas Explained
Exclusion instead of Inclusion. Division instead of Unity
At first glance, many woke agendas appear to be doing some social good, and perhaps there are some positive outcomes. Woke agendas are certainly “dressed up” to appear greatly beneficial to all, using positive language to disguise the real underlying intentions. Pro-Choice (aka Abortion), End of Life Choice (aka Euthanasia), Free Love, Black Lives Matter, Diversity Equity and Inclusion (DEI) etc. – notice the language being used, making it all sound very positive. But if we delve beneath the surface, we discover many troubling and divisive ideologies which aim to undermine Western institutions and beliefs. Dismantling the traditional family unit is also a target for woke agendas. The aim is to disrupt and replace (with radical “progressive” alternatives). Here are a few of the main woke agendas that businesses are jumping onto… ⤵️

Virtue Signalling and Tokenism
Rather than focusing on providing quality products and services at a reasonable price, so many companies want to solve the world’s social and environmental problems. They love to signal their support of trendy causes. Businesses are getting ever more political, becoming activists for predominantly left-wing ideologies. They jump onboard trendy agendas in an effort to look good, and to force those beliefs onto unsuspecting customers. Many companies donate significant amounts of money to woke causes in an effort to further advance those agendas. Popular woke ideologies include Transgenderism, Co-Governance, Pro-Abortion, Climate Alarmism, Diversity Equity Inclusion, Black Lives Matter, Decolonisation. Businesses should stick to business, and keep out of political agendas, such as the Rainbow Tick. Most people want to purchase products and services, and then get on with their lives. They don’t want businesses pushing woke doctrines down their throats.

Gender Ideology & LGBTQi++
Transgenderism is being pushed onto society, especially onto children, through the education system, media, and corporate brands. Gender ideology is the flawed belief that children can be born in the wrong body. It is the belief that gender is not strictly binary and that there is a spectrum of many different gender identities beyond just male and female. Wikipedia lists approximately 100 different genders and even more sexualities! The LGBTQI++ label represents people who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, pansexual, two-spirited, asexual and so on. All of this ignores biology and opposes Judeo-Christian beliefs that God created male and female. A transgender future is not the “right side of history”, yet activists, with the help of the media and global brands, have convinced the most powerful sectors of society to kowtow to their demands. Many businesses support and fund LGBTQI++ causes and promote LGBTQI++ agendas in their marketing campaigns in Western countries, but interestingly, not in the rest of the world.

Critical Race Theory
Critical Race Theory (CRT) is the belief that racism is inherent in all our laws and institutions, with the purpose of oppressing and exploiting people of colour. Therefore, our institutions and systems must be “reengineered” or torn down completely. A contemporary example of CRT is the Black Lives Matter movement, which pushes an extremist (and sometimes violent) anti-establishment agenda. Black Lives Matter has received significant donations from many global corporations, including Netflix, Microsoft, PayPal, Facebook, and Levis, to name a few. With Critical Race Theory, the most important thing about you is your race - your skin colour. That's who you are, not your personality, values, social status, or family. Based on your race, you are either the oppressor or the oppressed. White people are rebuked for being oppressors, while black people are labelled as hopelessly oppressed victims. Many businesses support anti-establishment causes in the name of “social justice”, and embed Critical Race Theory as part of DEI (Diversity, Equity & Inclusion) policies.

Abortion & Euthanasia
Abortion and Euthanasia are integral to a woke worldview. Abortion is promoted using the “My Body My Choice” banner. The goal of the “pro-choice” movement is to increase access to abortions worldwide. In reality it’s a “pro-death” movement, killing millions of unborn babies every year. New Zealand has one of the most extreme abortion laws in the world, enabling late-term abortions right up to birth. Our abortion law denies the humanity of the unborn baby. In New Zealand, there has been a 25% increase in abortions since the law change in 2020. According to Ministry of Health data, there were 16,214 abortions in 2023. Sadly, many woke companies donate to organisations that advocate for abortion. Some companies even cover the costs of employees seeking abortions. Human life should be valued and respected from conception right up to natural death. Therefore, the recent euthanasia legalisation is also a threat to some of society’s most vulnerable. There are now calls to expand our euthanasia laws to include non-terminal patients.

Diversity Equity & Inclusion
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI) programs are running rampant through businesses, schools and government agencies. DEI aims for equitable outcomes for all, and is fixated on differences in race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, and disability. Devotees claim that DEI will enhance organisations, by making them more diverse. DEI undermines meritocracy as it encourages the hiring and promotion of employees based on their race, sex, or other “acceptable” characteristics, rather than on their skill, competence and work ethic. DEI is fixated on equity of outcomes (rather than equality of opportunities). DEI drives a 40:40:20 ratio at senior levels of employment. 40:40:20 refers to 40% men, 40% women, 20% other genders. DEI almost always overlooks socioeconomic status, which is typically the biggest barrier to success. At best, DEI initiatives are an expensive distraction, but DEI can also be divisive and lead to poorer business performance. Businesses should encourage meritocracy and equality, but should scrap DEI.

Climate Alarmism
The UN states that “climate change is a global emergency that goes beyond national borders” - it’s an existential crisis. This catastrophising of climate change generates great fear and pessimism (especially in kids), leading to a condition called ‘climate anxiety’. Climate Alarmism is the exaggeration of climate matters to provoke fear and anxiety among the public. Authorities are forcing emission reduction targets and taxes on society and businesses, ultimately passing on costs to the consumer. The farming industry has suffered greatly under this ideology, meaning that many food-producing farms will have to shrink drastically or close altogether. Climate activists overstate the potential impacts of climate change, relying on unrealistic assumptions and presenting worst-case scenarios as if they are certainties. This leads to panic and policy overreactions without a balanced assessment of scientific evidence or consideration of potential solutions. Businesses should produce environmentally-friendly products without the promotion of Climate Alarmism.