Many companies are now running from DEI, and LGBT initiatives

Perhaps companies are awakening to the fact that DEI and LGBT initiatives are damaging their businesses, deciding it’s high time to refocus on the fundamental business activities which deliver results. The list of corporations quitting DEI (diversity, equity, and inclusion) continues to grow. It’s clear this is becoming a trend. The list of companies ditching DEI includes Ford Motor Company, Harley-Davidson, Lowe’s, Brown-Forman, which makes Jack Daniels, John Deere, Molson-Coors, and Tractor Supply.


Molson Coors – The brewing company sent a notice to employees in early September that revealed it will no longer have specific “representation goals” for its employees and suppliers, nor will it be participating in the Human Rights Campaign’s (HRC) corporate equality index (CEI), in which it previously had a perfect rating. It will also no longer be sponsoring events such as Pride celebrations.

Ford Motor Co. – An internal memo was leaked the last week in August that said Ford, which has nearly 200,000 employees, will back away from commenting publicly “on the many polarizing issues of the day,” although there may be times when it’s necessary, and that executives had already decided not to participate in external surveys such as the Human Rights Campaign’s Corporate Equality Index. The memo said the company remains committed to “fostering a safe and inclusive workplace” but has more work to do in this area. “We are mindful that our employees and customers hold a wide range of beliefs, and the external and legal environment related to political and social issues continues to evolve,” it stated.

John Deere, one of the nation’s leading farm equipment manufacturers, announced in July, “We will no longer participate in or support external social or cultural awareness parades, festivals, or events. Business Resource Groups will exclusively be focused on professional development, networking, mentoring, and supporting talent recruitment efforts. Auditing all company-mandated training materials and policies to ensure the absence of socially motivated messages, while being in compliance with federal, state, and local laws. Reaffirming within the business that the existence of diversity quotas and pronoun identification have never been and are not company policy.”

Lowe’s – An internal memo from home improvement retailer Lowe’s, obtained by multiple news outlets in August, informed employees that the company will no longer participate in the HRC’s Corporate Equality index and that its internal employee support resources for those belonging to minority groups will all be combined into one umbrella program. The company also said it would end its sponsorship of and participation in community events such as parades, festivals, or fairs — referring to LGBTQ+ Pride parades.

Harley-Davidson, the iconic motorcycle company, also issued a memo in August, saying it was pulling out of the HRC index and that it would ensure that employee training will remain “absent of socially motivated content.”

“We are saddened by the negativity on social media over the last few weeks, designed to divide the Harley-Davidson community,” company officials wrote. “As a company, we take this issue very seriously, and it is our responsibility to respond with clarity, action and facts.”

“We remain committed to listening to all members of our community as we continue on our journey together as one Harley-Davidson,” they added. “United We Ride.”

Brown-Forman, the maker of Jack Daniel’s whiskey and other beverages, told its employees in an August email that it would no longer participate in initiatives like the HRC index and that it would end “quantitative workforce and supplier diversity ambitions.”

Tractor Supply Co., the Tennessee-based animal feed and farm retailer, announced in June — LGBTQ+ Pride Month — that it was abandoning all diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives following a barrage of pressure from far-right activists.

The changes include halting data submissions to the Human Rights Campaign, refocusing Team Member Engagement Groups on mentoring and networking, eliminating DEI roles, retiring current DEI goals, and shifting environmental focus from carbon emissions to land and water conservation. The company will cease sponsoring nonbusiness activities like Pride festivals and voting campaigns.

These are just some of the companies abandoning DEI … there are many more.

As published in 

As published  in Daily Wire:

Multiple large corporations are pumping the brakes on their ultra-woke diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives as Americans are sending them a strong message: they want quality products over political stunts.

It’s good to see that some companies are finally recognizing the disastrous effect of their downright discriminatory practices.

As first revealed by conservative activist Robby Starbuck on X, Ford, Harley-Davidson, Lowe’s, Tractor Supply, Molson Coors, and Jack Daniel’s distiller Brown-Forman have all recently pulled back on DEI and LGBT hiring initiatives. Some of these companies announced changes after Starbuck emailed corporate offices, asking about their woke policies.

Late last month, Lowe’s told its employees that it would no longer fund LGBT “Pride” events or participate in the corporate equality index, which is run by the leftist Human Rights Council (HRC). In a memo, Lowe’s cited the Supreme Court ruling affirmative action admission practices at universities unconstitutional.

“Like many other companies, in July 2023 after the Supreme Court’s decision in the Harvard/UNC cases, we began reviewing our diversity and inclusion programs to ensure that they are lawful and aligned with our commitment to include everyone in the incredible opportunities at Lowe’s and ensure that no one is excluded,” the company wrote.

Harley-Davidson similarly said last month, “It is critical to our business that we hire and retain the best talent and that all employees feel welcome. That said, we have not operated a DEI function since April 2024, and we do not have a DEI function today. We do not have hiring quotas and we no longer have supplier diversity goals.”

Ford also announced that it would no longer send workplace data to the HRC, which pushes companies to hire more LGBT-identifying people. The political activists over at the HRC are, of course, beside themselves. How could these companies dare defy the Left’s agenda? Well, as has been true throughout the history of capitalism, money talks.

Non-woke is winning in the free market, and Jeremy’s Razors has been proving that for years now. Of course, other companies are now ditching the DEI and LGBT nonsense, but don’t forget that Jeremy’s was brave enough to stand up against the wokeness. And we’re going to keep standing up. So use your dollars wisely, and know the companies you buy from.

At Jeremy’s Razors, we have never and will never make hiring pledges to leftist activist groups. And people are taking notice of how the sales of non-woke companies such as Jeremy’s Razors are skyrocketing.

In the past few months, Jeremy’s Razors has dominated the marketplace. In May, Jeremy’s Razors became the #1 bestselling razor on Amazon and then hit the online shelves of in August. Last month, the company also shipped its one-millionth order, hitting the incredible milestone after two years of successful product launches and two viral commercials.


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