Contact Energy Limited is an electricity generator, a wholesaler of natural gas, and a retailer of electricity, natural gas, broadband and LPG.
It is the second-largest electricity generator in New Zealand (after Meridian Energy), generating 23% of all electricity in 2014, and has the second-largest market share (22%) of electricity retailers (after Genesis Energy). Contact owns and operates five geothermal power stations near Taupō, natural-gas turbine facilities at Hamilton and at Stratford in Taranaki, two hydroelectric dams on the Clutha River, and a diesel fuelled station near Napier.
Contact originated with the partitioning of the Electricity Corporation of New Zealand in 1996.
“Over our 25 year history we’ve built a flexible and largely renewable portfolio of electricity generation assets. We own and operate 11 power stations and produce 80-85% of our electricity from our renewable hydro and geothermal stations.”
Woke Rating
We rate Contact Energy as moderately woke (woke lite).

Woke Summary
- Virtue Signalling – virtue signalling found.
- Gender Ideology & LGBTQ – Contact Energy is Rainbow Tick Certified.
- Climate Change – Supports the Paris Agreement, and has emissions reduction targets.
- Diversity Equity Inclusion (DEI) – has DEI policies. Applies gender recruitment targets.
Woke Policies
Wokeness and virtue signalling distracts a company from its core business, which is to make a profit for shareholders while delivering excellent, affordable products and services to its customers. Businesses should not be distracted from this core purpose, otherwise there will be unnecessary costs which are ultimately passed onto consumers. Woke ideologies are typically unfriendly towards the traditional family unit.
Below are some woke policies and initiatives from Contact Energy…
Virtue Signalling
“Our Inclusion and Diversity Policy and related strategy is underpinned by our vision to build a better Aotearoa, New Zealand.”
“We recognise and respect that gender is not binary.”
“Our philosophy is to be the neighbour you’d want to have.”
Cultural Virtue Signalling includes:
“Our Tikanga guides our actions, both as individuals and as Contact.”
Note – the “tokenism” remarks on the post above are being made by Maori
Gender Ideology & LGBTQ+
“We retained our Rainbow Tick accreditation this year. We have continued to embed the programme – supporting our Pride at Contact networking group to set up for success, building the group’s profile through our inductions and internal communications, and developing plans for education and training for allies.”
“We recognise and respect that gender is not binary”
Source: Contact Energy Integrated Report 2022
Participation at Pride march…
Painting transformers in colours that represent the rainbow-coloured Pride flag…
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI)
Contact has DEI policies, and applies gender recruitment targets.
FromContact’s Inclusion and Diversity Policy …
Focus on Equity not Equality: “Contact is committed to providing an equitable work environment where inclusion is deeply embedded as part of our purpose and our Tikanga and our people are encouraged to be themselves.”
DEI Eduction: “The Contact Leadership Team will support the ongoing education and enhancement of inclusion and diversity initiatives as part of the Contact employment experience.”
Mandatory Compliance and Monitoring: “Contact requires all of its employees and directors to comply with this policy. Compliance with this policy will be periodically monitored by the People Experience team.”
Whistleblowing Policy: ”Any known or suspected instances of non-compliance should be discussed with your manager, your Leadership Team member, or the General Counsel. Alternatively, any employee who is aware of a breach of this policy can take action in accordance with Contact’s Protected Disclosures (Whistleblowing) Policy.”
Source: Inclusion and Diversity Policy
Climate Change
Committed to the Paris Agreement and 2030 targets. Committed to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
“We continue to deliver on Contact26 – our strategy to build a better Aotearoa New Zealand by leading the country’s decarbonisation… This is underpinned by our commitment to strong environmental, social and governance (ESG) practices… Our strategy is closely aligned to Aotearoa
New Zealand’s focus on achieving net zero emissions by 2050.”
“We have a lot more to do to transition to carbon zero, and to address major issues such as energy wellbeing, and the diversity in our workforce – and we are putting increasing energy into that.”
“We are committed to substantial decreases in carbon emissions from our own portfolio.”
“Successfully raised $225m from investors for Aotearoa New Zealand’s first certified green capital bond/ corporate hybrid issue.”
“Announced that Te Rapa power station will close in June 2023, reducing Contact’s long-term scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas emissions by 20 percent. We are continuing to reduce emissions at existing generation sites.”
Environmental, social and governance (ESG)
“ESG outcomes are built into our DNA at Contact.”
“This starts with our purpose to create a better Aotearoa New Zealand, our Tikanga (our commitment to being a responsible organisation), and our reliance on natural resources, good people and strong communities to sustain our operations.”
Source: Contact Energy Integrated Report 2022
Positive Policies & Activities
Launched free power for three months to more than 1,000 Kiwi families with a newborn baby via our ‘Fourth Trimester’ initiative.
Contact pledged $95,000 to buy and install solar panels at the Roxburgh Community Summer Pool.
Launched ‘Good Nights’ retail plan with free power between 9pm and midnight.
Donated $50,000 to Women’s Refuge Safe Night-athon fundraising appeal.
Ongoing Partnership with Women’s Refuge
Signed a three-year sponsorship with the Taranaki Kiwi Trust, which will provide $35,000 a year to support the Trust’s education, training and advocacy programme.
Swimwell Taupo – The programme provides free swimming and water safety lessons to around 3,000 primary students in the Taupō area each year. To date Contact has supported nearly 280,000 swimming lessons for 38,000 kids.
See Contact’s other community partnerships here:
Note – This page was updated as of 20th May 2024. Please contact us if you’ve discovered other relevant information about Contact Energy or other businesses pushing woke agendas. You should also contact us if you discover some positively woke-free businesses.